C++ 2D Shooter project (Htbaa's Worklog)

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Worklogs > Htbaa's Worklogs > C++ 2D Shooter project > Bugs, and they aren't mine!

Bugs, and they aren't mine!

Hallelujah! I decided to add text writing support today so I can get my game to the next step. All the routines were how they were supposed to be and memory management was going fine as well. The only problem was that my texts weren't showing up!

So I decided to actually use the error reporting functions from SDL_ttf and it turned out that some stuff couldn't be loaded. This was all under Linux. After some searching I found out it's a bug that has been around for almost a year now. Fixes do exists and it has been fixed before, but is now broken again.

It could be fixed by compiling a working version of the Freetype library. There is only one problem... Doing so would most likely break my whole desktop. Why? Gnome, the desktop manager I use under Ubuntu uses Freetype and it's used in a lot of other programs as well. Compiling some other version is dangerous.

Well, that's a bummer. So I compiled my code under Windows XP and my texts were showing up just fine.

This bugs me because I can only continue and test under Windows XP and Vista. And I want the game to be cross platform.

Another thing I don't like is that I can't continue my website dedicated to my projects. I'm using the Catalyst framework for that and it's absolutely amazing. It uses the MVC design pattern and also handles user authentication and authorization. The problem is with the last two parts. It requires a C compiled module which my webhost hasn't installed yet and most likely wont. So I'm still deciding if I'll use another way of authentication and authorization or if I should look for another host or framework. It's too bad because I wanted to use it for user profiles in my games so people can submit high scores and more like that kind of stuff.

Since my last post there hasn't been done that much. I've added functionality to write texts to the screen (which doesn't work under Linux because of the bug). I added a full screen option (with left alt + return) and a new power up has been added. A defensive bullet shield which rotates around the player and pops away after 30 seconds.
(Posted on February, 2nd 2008, 22:58)


yonni said:
Not knowing a huge ammount about linux (as it flatly refuses to run on my laptop), would it be possible to compile it from the shell (without loading the desktop manager), or using a distribution with a desktop manager that doesn't use freetype (if such a one exists) via a livew CD or something?
(Posted on February, 3rd 2008, 12:51)

Htbaa said:
In Linux most libraries are shared. So the current libraries being used are also shared. I need to use X11/Xorg to get a graphical display. I tried loading other modules in X11 but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

I think I'll move on to bit mapped fonts, which I don't like at all :(.
(Posted on February, 3rd 2008, 14:05)

Fiona said:
I find it very hard to believe that Gnome will just fail to work completely under a later version of freetype.
(Posted on February, 5th 2008, 08:28)

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