Blambastic II (Deadmaster's Worklog)

My most polished looking game to date... RSS Feed

On hold for now... if, forever.

Another game has fallen to the hands of my tempermental nature... well, gone on hold, at least. I have exams approaching, and I'm too filled with worry and stuff about that and revision and etc to be able to program enjoyably at the moment - and through the summer I'm busy too.

If I ever continue it, I'll make a post. For now, my minds set on exams, summer, college and my own personal faults and demons.

EDIT (31/05/06):

Going back and looking at what I've done so far, I think I will continue. I'm not sure when, but I can tell you one thing: I'm not done with this mother yet.

(Posted on April, 16th 2006, 02:46)

Um. Putting weapons in.

Been putting weapons in. The K2 tommigun (standard laser machinegun), K4 tommigun (laser machinegun with exploding lasers), Chainblaster X (laser minigun) and the Annihil8or (laser shotgun/spread shot lasers) are all in - but I've decided to ditch the impact grenades (grenades in space?!?! wtf was I smoking?!?) and replace it with a good ol' fashioned lightning gun. I've gotta figure out the math for it though... and although it's not too hard... I have Quake 4, incompleted, sitting on my PC... and I can't stop playing it... groah...

Have a screenshot. Errr... a mini one. (of Blambastic II)

(Posted on March, 4th 2006, 01:59)

Explosion effects.



Particles, additive blending, and a nice little shockwave. Hope you like.

Still haven't got the ship designs yet... this guys a real perfectionist, though... :p
(Posted on January, 16th 2006, 23:54)

Lets see... where do we go from here... hmmmm...

BLAMBASTIC II is the sequal to the three level disasterpiece that I did when I was on holiday, a few years ago. However, this one will be more polished, have many more ships and weapons and just be better overall...

I've already coded a multi-layed scrolling engine for the stars, got the HUD and the basics for the menu done, and listed + named all the weapons. Take a look:



I've got an old schoolfriend designing the ships (as I am cack at ship designing), and before I can proceed I need him to get the designs to me. I'll update when I get em.

- Deadmaster

PS. Ferret has said that these pics aren't working. But they work for me. So I dunno, they might not work. Sorry, blame my webhost if they don't ¬¬
(Posted on January, 7th 2006, 17:49)

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